5ª Conferência Internacional sobre Contaminantes em Alimentos (ICFC2023)

Inicial // 5ª Conferência Internacional sobre Contaminantes em Alimentos (ICFC2023)

Dear colleagues,

The 5th International Conference on Food Contaminants (ICFC2023): Challenges on exposure assessment, health impacts and sustainability of food systems will be held on 4th, 5th and 6th of September at the Instituto Agronómico (IAC), Campinas, Brazil in hybrid mode. Oral and poster communications submission are welcome!

Important dates:

Intermediate fee: 15 July 2023

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 June 2023

In person registration closing: 15 August 2023

On line registration closing: 1 September 2023

The conference website is available at https://icfc2023.com.

All types of manuscripts, addressing ICFC 2023 topics, are encouraged to be submitted to the special issue (open access) entitled “Chemical Contaminants in Foods: Exposure Assessment, Health Impact & Sustainability of Food Systems” in Food Research International Journal (Impact Factor: 7.4).

Please, disseminate this information into your Institution, colleagues, students or others who may be interested.

For further questions, please contact info@icfc2023.pt.

Hope to see you at ICFC2023!

Paula Alvito, Senior Research, INSA, Portugal

Carlos A. F. Oliveira, Professor, USP, Brazil